Teacup Dog Guide: How Much Teacup Puppies Cost

Teacup Dog Guide How Much Teacup Puppies Cost

If you are looking at teacup puppies for sale, you need to read this comprehensive post on teacup dog breeds.

How much are foufoupuppies? How much does a teacup dog cost to raise? Which teacup dog breeds are the most popular? Are cup dogs more prone to specific health issues? Why are teacup dogs so expensive?

These are some of the many questions people ask about teacups. We cover every concern and question about these micro dogs. From teacup dog prices, health issues, adopting, breeding, care, breeders, and everything in between to ensure you make the right choices when buying a healthy teacup dog.

There are potential problems and concerns that many new teacup puppy buyers are not aware of. Let’s get started!

What Is a Teacup Dog?

Teacup dogs breeds have become popular pets, but what is a teacup dog?

As its name implies, teacup puppies are dogs specially bred to be so small they could fit in a designer purse. They are also known as pocket-sized dogs or micro dogs.

Teacups are tiny versions of popular breeds of small dogs. To put this into perspective, here is an example. According to the American Kennel Club, the Pomeranian is expected to weigh between 3 to 7 pounds, with an average height ranging from 6 to 7 inches tall. A teacup Pomeranian would weigh much less and be smaller in size than this standard. There are no “teacup dog breeds,” the term “teacup” is simply used to describe a dog who is smaller in size than average.

Teacup Dog Size

What size is a teacup dog? How small will my teacup dog be? While there is not an official standard size for teacup dogs, according to Los Angeles-based veterinarian Dr. Patrick Mahaney most dogs considered to be teacups weigh 5 pounds or less. By the time a teacup puppy reaches maturity, it should measure 17 inches or less. If your puppy is outside these parameters, your pet might not be “recognized” as a teacup dog. However, these measurements will fluctuate depending on the dog’s breed.

See our teacup puppy size comparison table below.

Teacup Dog Size Chart Comparison

While size should not be the only factor to look for when buying a teacup dog, understanding teacup dog sizes, it’s essential. But why? Unethical dog breeders tend to market standard size dogs breeds (or even bigger) as “teacups” to make up for the higher price tag.

Teacup Dog Health Issues

Are teacup dogs prone to health issues?

Unfortunately, these tiny canines have more than their share of health issues. As a caring dog parent, the more you know, the better positioned you’ll be to give your tiny dog the care she or she needs.

Top Teacup Dog Health Problems Owners Should Know About

Here are the top health concerns in teacup dogs.

1. Hypoglycemia

A condition in which your dog’s blood sugar (glucose) level is lower than normal. According to Dr. Cathy Meeks, a board-certified internal medicine specialist and group medical director at BluePearl Veterinary Partners in Tampa, Florida, if a teacup pup misses even one meal, their blood sugar levels could drop dangerously low and cause seizures, shivering, and even a fatal coma.

2. Bone fragility

Teacup’s skeletal structure is very susceptible to breaks or fractures. Teacup dogs’ bones are smaller and frailer than the bones of a larger dog.

3. Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE)

According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, miniature dogs (teacup dog) breeds are prone to suffer from HGE.  This disease is characterized by sudden vomiting and bloody diarrhea. The symptoms are usually severe they usually last 2-4 days. Most dogs make a good recovery if they receive veterinary treatment quickly.

4. Heart defects

Dr. Ruth MacPete, DVM, states that the most common form of heart disease in dogs is valvular disease, which primarily affects small breed dogs over five years of age and makes up 70-75% of heart disease in dogs.

5. Collapsing trachea

If your teacup dog is experiencing chronic, intermittent bouts of coughing, retching, rapid or difficult breathing, exercise intolerance, blue-tinged gums, or fainting, then a collapsing trachea may be the reason. Small breed dogs, especially Yorkshire Terriers, are most at risk for developing a collapsing trachea.

6. Accidents and traumatic events

The chances of a teacup of surviving an accident, a fall from the furniture or even your arms, an attack from a larger pet are slimmer than a regular-size dog, says Dr. Judy Morgan, a holistic veterinarian and author of several books. These dogs are so tiny that a small drop or fall can fatally injure these frail canines. They are prone to be stepped on or sat on, which can be life-ending.

Other health problems teacups may face include liver shunts, digestive problems, blindness, respiratory problems, seizures, and dental and gum issues. PetMD reports that other size-related health problems teacups may develop are Patella luxation and Hydrocephalus.